2023 Georges River District PSSA MIXED Newcombe Ball Rules
Game Outline
The game is played with two teams of nine players and the aim is to make the ball touch the ground in the other team’s court after going over the net, beyond the ‘Dead Ball Area’.
Equipment and Facilities
● The court measures 9m by 16m (slight variations may occur) and should be clearly marked.
● The neutral zones are marked 0.5m each side of the net.
● The net height is 2m for both juniors and seniors.
● A Volleyball is used (Netballs are similar, but are not to be used).
● Children are to wear school sports uniform, hat and joggers.
● The maximum number of children in each Newcombe Ball squad is fifteen.
● The on-court team will consist of nine children.
● Of these nine children, there must be a minimum of three girls and three boys on the court at all times. The remaining three players can be boys or girls.
● The players are rotated during the game using the substitutes who line up on the sideline on opposite sides of the court. A substitution may also be made to replace an injured player.
● The substitute player enters the court in position 1 and becomes the new server. Player 9 leaves the court and joins the end of the subs line. E
● Senior teams consist of Year 5 or 6 students. Junior teams consist of Year 3 or 4 students.
A. The player must stand behind the back line of the court to serve. They must wait for the umpire to call “Serve” or blow a whistle. If a player serves before the umpire’s call, the point is lost. When the serve is completed he/she steps back inside the court area. If the ball is served from on the back line or inside the court the point is lost.
B. In senior games the ball must be thrown directly over the net. In junior games the ball may be passed to one other player before being passed over the net.
C. Failure to catch the ball results in the point being awarded to the opposite team.
D. If a ball touches the net during the serve then the serve is lost. A ball touching the net at any time apart from the serve continues to be ‘in play’.
E. Any ball landing in the ‘Dead Ball Area’ is ‘out’. At no time can a player enter the ‘Dead Ball Area’ or touch the ‘Dead Ball Area’ with their feet while the ball is in play. If a player enters the ‘Dead Ball Area’ during play, then the point is lost.
F. At no time can a player touch the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. If a touches the net during play, then the point is lost.
G. Each team takes turns in serving alternately, regardless of who won the point.
H. After both teams have served, the teams rotate simultaneously. (See Movement around the Court).
I. The ball is passed under the net to the team about to serve.
J. The umpire calls “Serve”.
K. Line balls are IN. Decision made by the umpire.
General Play
A. A coin is tossed and the team winning the toss elects to serve or selects the side of the court on which they will play first. Teams change ends after each game.
B. Players line up outside the court on opposite sides of the net. The teams enter the court along the neutral line and shake hands under the net and the players take up their positions ready for play.
C. The umpire calls “Serve” to commence the game. A whistle is used to halt play.
D. The only calling out permitted is the call for the ball and congratulations on a good catch. Umpires are to deter excessive calling out by team members. It may result in a point being awarded against them (at the umpire’s discretion).
E. Players must not hit, bat, head, kick or spike the ball. The ball must be thrown in an upwards direction to pass over the net. This rule will make the game a catch and throw game – not one dominated by ‘spiked’ balls.
F. Players may only hold the ball for three seconds.
G. A player may pass the ball to two players on their team in general play before it crosses the net. If four players touch the ball the point is awarded to the other team. The ball may be thrown in any direction to a member of the same team before being thrown over the net (except during service in the senior game).
H. The ball must be thrown from the point where it is caught.
I. If a player catches the ball and falls onto the ground or dives to catch a ball and drops to the ground, they must stand up before throwing the ball over the net or to another player. If the child fails to do this, the team will lose a point.
J. Players must keep one foot grounded but the other foot may take one step to allow the player to regain their balance, throw the ball or pivot. ‘Grounded foot’ doesn’t mean the whole foot but the heel of ball of the foot.
K. An accidental deflection or ricochet off any part of a player is not counted as a pass.
L. A pass is counted if a player touches the ball in a failed attempt to catch it and it is subsequently caught by another player.
M. If a ball hits the net but doesn’t go over, a player from the same team may gain possession of the ball before it falls to the ground as long as no other rule is infringed.
N. Players should defend their ninth of the court to prevent excessive movement, collisions and to promote harmony and fairness to all team members. Players should not be forced to remain stationary and players do not lose points for not remaining in their section.
A. One child from each school can be the scorers. A teacher from each school will umpire alternate games.
B. A point is awarded when the ball touches the ground wholly within the court, including on lines, of the opposition’s court.
C. When the ball touches the ground or an object outside the opponent’s court or touches the ground inside their own court, a point is awarded to the opposition, regardless of who served.
D. If a ball is thrown out of court, into or under the net or falls into neutral space the opposition scores a point.
E. If players of a team catch/contact the ball more than 3 times consecutively the opposition scores a point.
F. If a player takes more than one step with the ball in their possession (a jump is counted as a step), the opposition scores a point.
G. If a team rotates incorrectly, then serves, the opposition scores a point.
H. If a player touches the net, the opposition scores a point.
I. If the ball passes under or into the net, except when the ball rebounds from the net and is caught by the same team (unless it is the team’s fourth consecutive touch of the ball) the opposition scores a point.
J. If the ball is caught by more than one person on the serving side when the ball is being served, the opposition scores a point.
K. If the server serves the ball when not behind the back line, the opposition scores a point.
L. The person throwing the ball must have both feet entirely inside the court.
M. If the player catches the ball with one or both feet entirely outside of the court, play can continue. However, the player must step onto the court before throwing the ball. Play is paused until the player steps back into the court, just inside the line. The player must wait for “Play on” to be called before continuing play. If a player touches the ball in or outside of the court and it falls to the ground, the opposition scores the point. If the player catches the ball on a full outside of the court, play can continue. However, the player must step onto the court before throwing the ball.
N. If a player serves before the umpire calls ‘Serve’, the opposition scores a point.
O. The junior and senior teams will each play 3 games or maximum of 40 minutes.
P. The game will be won by the first team to reach a score of 15 or the team ahead on points in the final game after 40 minutes.
Q. The teams will swap court ends to begin a new game. The team that served last will rotate to a new server. The other team can retain their positions so that every child has their turn at serving. The next game commences with the serve staying on the same side it commenced. Previously, the losing team served. (Previously both teams rotated to new positions for the next game, however, this resulted in some children missing their turn to serve.)
R. At the end of play, the winner of the match is the team who has won the most games out of the 3 played. If the third game has not been completed the winner of the third game is the team ahead on points.
In the case of teams winning a game each, a draw shall be called after 40 minutes. In the case where a team is one set up and the second set is not completed, the team ahead on points in that game will be declared the winner of the 2nd game. The match result in this case will either be a win 2-0 or a draw 1 all.
Playing time should be split between the seniors and the juniors. Schools should endeavor to play best of 3 games, rather than a draw. Teachers may need to agree on a reduced ‘win’ score to fit in 3 games. The same rules will apply in the Finals.
Competition Organisation
A. Games should begin by 10:00am.
B. Seniors will play 3 games (or max. 40 minutes) with a one minute break between games.
Juniors will play 3 games (or max. 40 minutes) following the senior games.
D. Points will be awarded as follows: E. Win – 3 points, Draw – 2 points, Loss – 1 point. F. If Friday sport is cancelled check emails or Georges River PSSA Facebook.
G. If two or more teams finish level for any of the first two places in the competition, places will be determined by percentage of points gained each week.
H. Teams listed first, and in bold on the draw play at home. If the two teams versing each other do not have a home court, they will allocated to another venue. Please check with the school prior to confirm that the net is set up.
I. Venue for finals will be determined closer to date.
J. Schools holding school camps during the competition will need to try to organise a make-up game with the opposing school at a time convenient to them and probably on their home ground, otherwise the game will be forfeited. The convenor must be notified of any changes in this regard.